Achieving a work-life balance is a struggle many working adults experience. Oftentimes, balancing all the components of life and work can feel more like an impossible circus act, but it is certainly possible. There are many different ways to balance out work and life, but the biggest advantage a person can have is living in an environment that supports a healthier, more balanced work-life relationship.

There are a lot of benefits to working in rural areas and building your career. If you like work that is more boots-on-the-ground and involved in your community, working in rural regions means you can do that and see the impacts you’re making firsthand. Since the cost of rural living is cheaper than in urban or suburban areas, rural workers aren’t as pressured to work overtime or push their limits and risk burnout. There is also less pressure to compete for a job or position since there is generally less competition for jobs in rural areas. The best part of working rural is the sense of family within the workplace! Many co-workers in small communities have a higher investment in each other’s well-being. This component can really foster a warm, friendly work environment that is hard to beat anywhere else.

In addition to have better work environments, space and sound are huge factors that define a rural area and make living rural so great! With space, there are more opportunities for residents to have spacious houses and expansive yards at affordable prices. Rural regions are also likely to have parks, campgrounds, lakes, and trails that enhance the sense of space and breathability. Sound is minimal in rural areas. It’s common to sit outside and hear only one or two cars every hour. There is a serene peacefulness to the silence that surrounds rural regions. Light pollution is also minimal, so stars can actually be seen in all their glory. The sense of community in rural areas is tighter than anywhere else. Most people grew up knowing one another and family ties started back generations ago. Knowing your fishmonger, your butcher, bank teller, librarian, kid’s bus driver, and your neighbors (if you have any) means you can live a lifestyle where you don’t feel alone or isolated. While living rural may not be the lifestyle everybody wants, it is certainly a lifestyle that works for a lot of people who value space, peace, the outdoors, affordability, strong community, and family.

While achieving a work-life balance can be done anywhere, it is easier to be successful in achieving this balance from within a rural context as opposed to in a city. The lifestyle in rural communities embraces an emphasis of home, family, and community and focuses less on work. This means that a healthy work-life balance is a foundational component of a rural lifestyle. The ability to destress and have space and quiet after a long work week is more prevalent in rural areas. The biggest factor in rural work-life balance is the fact that it is cheaper to live in a rural region than in a city. People don’t need to work as hard or as long and be as frugal with their money in a rural setting. Being close to nature is healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically. This draw helps people avoid work burnout and can help bring perspective.

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